Guess Who's Serena's New BFF?

Guess Who's Serena's New BFF?

Remi Odunsi Makeup Artist NYC - Wyn Beauty

Game Day at the US Open 2024 with the Iconic Serena Williams x Wyn Beauty

A Week of Girl Power: US Open with WYN Beauty & Makeup by Remi

The recent US Open was a truly unforgettable experience. I was honored to collaborate with Serena William’s WYN Beauty, a brand deeply committed to enhancing the natural beauty of all skin tones – a philosophy that resonates deeply with me as a natural makeup artist.

This immersion provided a unique opportunity to connect with a diverse community of talented beauty educators and influencers, each with their own distinct artistic vision. We shared ideas, explored creative approaches, and celebrated the artistry of makeup application across various skin tones, utilizing the exceptional range of WYN Beauty lip gloss products.

The highlight, of course, was witnessing the awe-inspiring grace and power of Serena Williams in all her beauty. Surrounded by fellow beauty enthusiasts, the atmosphere was electric, a vibrant celebration of female empowerment and the joy of sport.

This experience was a reminder of the transformative power of beauty, both on and off the court. It was a week overflowing with positive energy, creativity, and a shared passion for celebrating the unique beauty of every individual, click here to see the video!

Makeup By Remi.